Thanks for your interest in Adult Peer Support Specialist Training! We are pleased to offer a curriculum that has been approved by the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. Kentucky System Transformation Advocating Recovery Supports is a big supporter of the growth of Peer Support Services in our state. In order to be approved to attend our training, you must meet several criteria as required by Kentucky Law. You will find our application packet attached to this letter. Please read the instructions carefully and make sure that all areas are completed. After you have completed your application, we will review your application and contact you to let you know if you have been approved to take the required week-long class. We will also notify you of upcoming training that will be available to you. Click Here for APSS Application
Kentucky Leadership Academy Training
The Leadership Academy was developed to increase the involvement of consumers in the planning and evaluation of mental health services, by enhancing their leadership skills. Consumers from each of the 14 regional community mental health centers were invited to participate. Fifteen consumers have completed Level I and Level II training and are now prepared to teach the Leadership Curriculum. If you are interested in learning more about this educational opportunity you can complete and submit the form below.
Wellness Recovery Action Plan® (WRAP®)
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan is a framework with which you can develop an effective approach to overcoming distressing symptoms, and unhelpful behavior patterns. It is a tool with which you can get more control over your problems. WRAP was originally developed by Mary Ellen Copeland and a group of mental health service users who wanted to work on their own recovery – this is what they found worked for them. Developing your own WRAP will take time, it can be done alone, but many find it very valuable to have a supporter – someone they trust, and work on it together.
Key Elements of WRAP · Wellness Toolbox · Daily Maintenance Plan · Identifying Triggers and an Action Plan · Identifying Early Warning Signs and an Action Plan · Identifying When Things Are Breaking Down and an Action Plan · Crisis Planning · Post Crisis Planning
WRAP tracks are held twice a week at the Participation Station and KYSTARS is available to assist individuals and programs to develop WRAP programs.
Copyright by Mary Ellen Copeland, PO Box 301, W. Dummerston, VT 05357 Wellness Recovery Action Plan® and WRAP® are registered trademarks