KYSTARS Consumer Conference Workshops A collection of previous KYSTARS Workshops are recorded for those who were not able to attend this year's conference. You can view the Workshop of your choice and once you are finished click here to fill out the evaluation form to earn your continuing credits for APSS, YPSS and FPSS.
Five Stages in the Recovery Process- Debbie Homan, APSS, MSJ
Balancing Organizational Demands and Personal Needs: Peer Supervision and Support- David Hanna, Passport, Chad Cordial, APSS, Tami Hedges, APSS
Overview of Co-Occurring Disorders and Care- Rose Douglass, Women's Hope Center
Advocating for Yourself & Others - Dr. David Susman
Using Peer Support Specialists in a Mental Health Court Program
From Heart to Home - Janell Johnson APSS
Avoiding Peer Drift - David Riggsby KYSTARS
Peer Support in the LGBTQIA+ Community - Shannon Baker APSS